
This round table was organized in the Chapel for Europe just before the summer break. It reflected on the role of religions (Christianity, Judaism and Islam) and non-denominational spiritual convictions (Buddhism) in civil society. 

Are religions still considered an empowering factor able to inspire positive changes in the lives of individuals and societies? What do individuals and societies expect from them today? What is the social vision and the “added value” they  can offer? 

These were the questions, and many more we reflected on with our invited guests: Herman Van Rompuy (President Emeritus of the European Council and Minister of State), Carlo Luyckx (President of the European Buddhist Union, author of the book: Integrity in politics: a utopia?) Marc Neiger (Rabbi at the Liberal Jewish Community of Belgium, Beth Hillel Synagogue), Taoufik Amzile (political scientist and entrepreneur, president LEAD Belgium Entrepreneurs Association, author of the book: A Muslim is someone normal). The event was moderated by Aldegonde Brenninkmeijer (Founder of The Center for the Study of Christianity, Jerusalem, and the Cardinal Bea Centre for Judaic Studies, Rome).  

All our speakers agreed that, absolutely, religions and non-denominational spiritual convictions are an empowering factor in our society thus there is an important spiritual need. Nevertheless, they need to find ways or strategies to be more responsive and outward in understanding and satisfying the actual and evolving needs of modern society. Religions and traditions, in all their diversity, are called upon to work for the common good with humility, to inspire everyone with their authentic testimony, and share their spiritual wealth with each other. Each one of us has the important role of "ambassador" and testimonial living our faith/belief in the authentic way. 
The evening was organized together with our partner Association InTOUCH in the framework of HOPE the interreligious department of the Chapel for Europe.  

Chapel for Europe 
